Bech on Enterprise Java
Thursday, October 19, 2006
  Poke 53281,0
I recently heard the "Last ninja 2" soundtrack in a breakfast show on a Norwegian radio show. One thing lead to the other, And before I knew anyting of it I had a c64 emulator installed. To my great amusement, my fingers just automaticly typed in the command poke 53281,0 and poke 53280,0.....

Honour and respect to those who can reply with the result of theese commands on a C64 system .)

... And If this blog entry doesn't make any sense at all to you you're just not old enough :-)
I think it turns the background and border colors to black.
hah. changing background and font colors?
i think my comment disappeared. those are for changing background and font colors i think (although, it may also be changing the outer screen and background colors)
The comments from your old colleages in Nordea is that this was to easy.

Have you got a new challange?
SYS 64738 was, If I remember things correct a "warm" reboot with memory intact .-)
Changing the screen colours, wow it's been a long time. I remember when I was a kid I would walk up to c64's in store displays and quickly program sirens on them as a prank.
okay, as far as i can remember, this should cause the border to blink in 16 colors. did it?

10 for i=1 to 16
20 poke 53280,i
30 next
40 go to 10

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