Bech on Enterprise Java
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
  Being an innocent victim of software development communism
I like Analogies from the construction industry.

A carpenter comes to the house you are building. You welcome him, but ask him to leave his tools in the car; all carpenters and craftsmen working on your house have to use the exact same tools! You hand him, not crappy tools, but different ones than he's used to. Now watch this guy fumble, stumble and ask around.

I started writing, and I am probably going to finish a lengthy post about Eclipse annoyances, and how much I love IntelliJ. After being "force fed" Eclipse for the last 3 weeks, I've got some fuel for the fire so to speak. But, that's another story.

What I was thinking the other day, was how crippled I get when someone take away the tools I'm used to and give me new ones. Standardisation may be a good thing, but I say stop when it comes to my personal tools.

Continuous build systems (including reporting tools). CMS (Code management systems like CVS, Subversion etc), Test frameworks etc of course needs to be common for a development team.

However, IMO Developer's choice of container for development and IDE must be a personal choice. It's like dictating what kind of deodorant people should put on in the morning!

Disclaimer; this is my personal view, and not one of my employer. I respect the decisions taken by my current customer to standardize, even if disagree.
Nice disclamer on the bottom.
You're fired, now you can disagree on your own time. Pick up your tools on the way out.
I couldn't agree more.

Eclipse is such a piece of shit. Simple tasks are impossible.

Try importing existing code - it just does not work.

Relative paths. Nada.

"create dummy projects" for simple tasks. Tricking eclipse into what's a common scenario ("to import existing sources, point eclipse at the path. The only condition is that the existing path is already an eclipse project. If not, create a dummy project and copy the .classpath file there. - who comes up with crap like that???)

What a waste.

Eclipse is nothing but a blood pressure raiser.

I need a whiskey.
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