Bech on Enterprise Java
Thursday, May 12, 2005
  Patterns: Factory and Decorator, a powerfull combination

While working on a system that distributes passwords throgh different communication channles (email, SMS, snailmail etc) I noticed that the sloppy programmer (hired consultant ofcourse) had written the system with no audit logging what-so-ever.

Since the system had a fair general design, I figured out that adding logging, transparently to clients, without having to change the implementation should possible.

The old design

An interface called Distributor, and a set of implementations are the main point of interest. The Distributor interface declares one method called distribute. All concrete distributors implement this method.

A DistributionFactory class creates implementation clases based on an input parameter holding customer information. The business rules are not really important in this case so I've removed the argument to the constructor for simplicity

Exploring alternatives

The easiest way out here is of course to just go ahed and implement audit logging in all the Distributor implementations. Of course, this would be a violation of the DRY principle.

At one point I was tempted to create a Template. This would require me to create an abstract base class for all distributors with an abstract method called handleDistribution (or something similar)

I would then have had to modify all distributors and rename the method that implemented the functionality to handleDistribution, and of course implement the distribute (in the abstract base class) so that it would first call handledistribution, and then do logging later

The total impact of this would have been

Using a Decorator

A real elegant solution is introducing a Decorator. The Decorator class conforms to the exising Distributor interface. The Decorator in this case is called LoggingDistributor

The LoggingDistributor takes a Distributor as an argument in the constructor, and impelments the distribute method by delegating the method calls to that actual instance. After
the delagation, it logs the event.


I was very satisified with this design, since it enabled me to change the system with minimal impact on the existing code. Only the Factory class is modified, and only one class added.

I think this is a great example, outside the GUI world, on how the Decorator and Factory pattern together can be very usefull in adding functionality to an existing system causing a minimal amound of modification.

source code available here

nice. a good example of a very powerful pattern.

the other mechanism that could have adopted was to use AOP but that might have been an overkill.
After working with the Factory/decorator pattern for a while I've discovered a real downside. If the object that is wrapped with a decorator expose an interface with a lot of methods, keeping the Wrapper and the interface in synch can be a real time consuming job...

Well.. Guess you can't have your cake and eat it to... :-)
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