Bech on Enterprise Java
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
  About Eclipse and Tekken
Eclipse and Tekken

The keyboard shortcuts in eclipse are a bit like advanced Tekken combat moves, for those who aren't into computer games; Tekken is a very good fighting game for the Sony Play Station consoles. A lot of the cool moves can only be made using insane combinations of the controller buttons, in the right sequence. In that sense, Eclipse and the computer game has a lot in common.

So... I'm using Eclipse for the moment, and have after a long period of swearing started to adapt a way of working that is similar to what I'm used to with IntelliJ. Here are a few painkillers for other Eclipse users that are used to IntelliJ. I guess most of this will be "old news" to experienced Eclipse users, but who knows. Why might pick up a trick or two.

Before starting I have to say that I try to learn keyboard shortcuts for everything I do. Other people prefer clicking around in the interface and I respect that. However, working with mostly the keyboard has some advantages; It's faster, It's better for your health and it's faster (did I mention that?)

Even after a months of using Eclipse, I still get confused on what shortcuts that are available through CTRL+SHIFT and what is through ALT+SHIFT. A good way to remember what is what is to think of the alt+shift shortcuts as "menu shortcuts". To Illustrate; Pressing Alt+shift+s gives you about the same options as pressing "source" on the menu. The CTRL+SHIFT shortcurs are more often helper dialogues like Open resource (CTRL+SHIFT+R) or open type. (CTRL+SHIFT+T)

Anyhow; here's a compilation of my most used keyboard shortcuts for eclipse. If you use these in combination, you can probably put the mouse away entirely.

Ctrl+M (Maximise)

I try to do as much work as possible with the source code window maximised. I try to use the "Navigator", and "Package Explorer" windows as little as possible, as I have found no way to switch to them with focus, without using the mouse.

Ctrl+F7 (Switch views)

In IntelliJ U can easily hide and show windows like the project navigator using the ALT key and number in combination, when you want the window to go away, you can press the same key, or escape.

Using the Ctrl+F7 and Ctrl+M (see previous) in combination makes navigating the different windows a bit easier. This shortcut lets you switch between the editor, navigator, console and all other views. I use it a lot to quickly go to the editor and almost always follow up with a CTRL+M, to use the entire screen area for code editing.

Ctrl + . (Next problem)

This navigates you to the next "problem" (red or yellow marker in the sidebar).

Ctrl+Shift+T (Find Type)

Finding a class in the package explorer or navigator can be like finding the famous needle in the haystack. It is often faster to hit this combo, and start typing the name of your class.

The good news is that wildcards and camel-back searching works like a dream.

Ctrl+Shift+R (Find Resource)

Same as above, only for resources that is not java classes. (JSP files ,properties etc. )

Alt+Shift+T (Refactor)

This shortcut is pretty neat as it pops up all refactoring options, given the context of the cursor position. The action you want to take is available in only one more keystroke. In full "Tekken* style" the shortcut key for "rename" is the key 'n', instead of using for example 'r' (that is unused). Don't ask me why.

Ctrl+F6 (Open files)

This is probably my single most used Eclipse shortcut. It pops up a list of all the recent files you have edited. An annoying "feature" of this key is that the CTRL key has to be pressed while doing a selection, or at least for a period of time for the window to "stick". If you briefly press Ctrl+F6, you get your last window. The design idea is probably that you often swap between the two most recent files.

I always use the combo "alt+right/left key" for that, so for me this extra "intelligence" is just annoying.

Alt+Right and left Arrows

The alt key in combination with the left and right arrow keys can be used as a "back" and "forward" in the file history.

F3 (Go to declaration) and "Ctrl clicking"

The entire source code can be navigated as a hyperlinked system. If the cursor is over a class name and you press F3, you immediately go to the declaration of that class.. Pressing F3 while the cursor is over a variable takes you to the declaration of that variable.

Similar navigation can be done by holding down the ctrl key and moving the mouse around. When the mouse pointer is hovering over a class name or variable, the name of the class or variable turns into a clickable hyperlink.

other usefull shortcuts that you're probably used to from IntelliJ

Ctrl+Shift+O (Optimize Imports)

This is one of many features that IntelliJ has implemented a bit smoother than Eclipse.

In general, the "Auto import" feature doesn't work to well if your code has compilation errors. This can be impractical if you let's for example say you want to copy / paste a block into your code from somewhere, and get a lot of "red markers" in your code as a result of the unknown classes.

In Eclipse you should avoid typing entire class names, it's better to type half way through and ctri+space to auto complete. This is because it imples an automatic import.

Ctrl+Shift+F (Format code)

This key combo formats your code according to default of project specific format.

Alt+Shift+X, T (Run as unit test)

This is one of many Tekken moves in Eclipse. Press Alt+shift+X after a while, a hint-box should appear with your choices. Press T to run the current class as a unit test . A disadvantage of using this shortcut is that the class currently in the editor has to be the unit test. This shortcut is best used in combination with the CTRL+F11 shortcut explained later.

Ctrl+F11 (Run last launch config)

If you run your unit test once using alt+shift+X (something that can and will break your fingers over time) there is no need to press the same combo again. Just use Ctrl+F11 to re-execute your last "run" or "debug" configuration.


The nifty surround with functionality, also the home of the automatic collection iterator shortcut.

Alt+Shift+S (source)

Here you'll find shortcuts to all the nifty things like implement/override methods, generate getters/setters etc.


Working with perspectives is important in eclipse. The whole editor changes it's window layout when working in debug mode. The Ctri+F8 shortcut enables you to switch back to java view (where I usually work) after a debugging session.

Ctrl + T

View Implementation/type hierarchy. If your editor is showing an interface, and you want to know all available implementations, this shortcut is handy. It also works if your cursor is located over an interface declaration.
I hereby promise to blog my thoguhts and views on Enterprise java, design patterns, frameworks and all other things that make life as a software developer interesting.

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