Hibernate: Could not synchronize database state with session, Unexpected row count: 0 expected: 1
If you get this error message during a session.flush();
Could not synchronize database state with session
at org.hibernate.jdbc.NonBatchingBatcher.addToBatch(NonBatchingBatcher.java:32)
And let's assume you're working with a Persistent object with a generated primitive key, and an "unsaved value" strategy.
Your problem is probably that you forgot to initialize the private field used as an id to the "unused value". This means that you should never never never write a persistent class like this ;
public class MyClass () {
private int id ;
But rather do this ;
public class MyClass () {
private int id = -1 ;
One of those stupid mistakes that can snaeak in and cause some minutes of headache. Did you get here by searching for the exception, and this solved your problem, please leave a comment! :-)